, an affiliate of Corporate Image Marketing, Inc., takes the position that your privacy is a critical part of our customer relations. Your application for credit will have access to our network of participating auto dealers and lenders nationwide. When you communicate in writing, on line or by phone, we assure you that your credit application and loan information will be held in the strictest confidence to prevent misuse.
We will never share, sell, or rent individual information with anyone without your advance permission. Information you provide online is maintained in a secure environment and is in compliance with all state and federal regulations.
By accepting the terms of this privacy policy, you agree to the following:
We will collect personal information about you that you have supplied on your credit application. This includes your name, date of birth, address, social security number, employment information, income, and other information you provide.
Corporate Image Marketing, Inc. has your permission to transfer the collected information to participating automobile dealers and lenders within our network. Our network has your authorization to gather credit information from credit bureaus. This information will be used strictly for the purpose of securing a loan for mortgage, to purchase an automobile, or obtaining credit.
Only with your prior consent, will we disclose your information or inform you of offers from other non-affiliated third party service providers.
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This site may use cookies for two purposes: to carry data about your current session at the site from one web page to the next, and to identify you to the site between visits. We will not store data, other than for these two purposes, in cookies. Cookies remain on your computer, and accordingly we neither store cookies on our computers nor forward them to any external parties. We do not use cookies to track your movement among different web sites and do not exchange cookies with other entities. will not knowingly accept any loan applications from any parties under 18 years of age.
If you have questions, comments or concerns about our privacy policy, please contact us through our dealer form.